#STOP! To think about your journey

I suspect that you already know your passions and your talents. You may even have a bucket list. If not, what can you #STOP! doing to free up some time for more self-discovery? #STOP! is about what not to do with your time, energy, thoughts and resources. Fundamentally, the principles of #STOP! are about human behavior in the inverse: it is about stopping behaviors that diminish your well-being, rob your joy, and hinder your personal performance.
My goal is to help you experience greater joy and less bad stress on your journey. Are you ready to add more joy and take away stress? Stress reduction and joy enhancement boost well-being and increase personal performance? You are the experts. What are some of the things we miss on our journeys because we are so focused on our destination?
Joy to you!
Eric Parmenter
Author of “STOP! 21 STOPs to Reduce Stress and Enhance Joy”
Follow STOP! at www.ericparmenter.com
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