#STOP! Welcome to my first blog

Today is the launch of a new era in my life. Today I release my first book "STOP! 21 STOPs to Reduce Stress and Enhance Joy" to the public. Recently, I launched my first website , Twitter feed and book Facebook page. Today I write my first blog. I must confess that I am wading into unfamiliar digital waters and I have much to learn. I encourage you to browse the website and check out the many resources that have been incorporated to help you life a life with less stress, more joy and in pursuit of your purpose.
After all, that is why I wrote #STOP! I want to help people face head-on the noise and distractions of our frenzied world. If you are like me, you are crazy-busy. Your life is filled with meetings, conference calls, travel, emails and pings from your smartphone all day long. All of the wonderful technology in our hands that promises to make our lives easier serves us well but sets the bar higher. People expect more out of us and quicker. I hope this blog, the book, and the website provide you with new insights and tools to help you STOP!
I welcome your feedback.
Joy to you!
Eric Parmenter
Author of “STOP! 21 STOPs to Reduce Stress and Enhance Joy”
Follow STOP! at www.ericparmenter.com
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